What Angels Fear, by C.S. Harris

Book number 62 for 2024; 5/5 stars, but I would give it 10 if I could.

I have been walking by the C.S. Harris collection at our library for months, and have been drawn by the titles of the books. They all begin with “Who,” “What,” “Where,” “When,” or “Why.” I looked up the first book in the series, featuring Sebastian St. Cyr, and it turns out my library doesn’t have it. So I got this copy via Interlibrary Loan.

C.S. Harris has instantly become a new favorite author of mine. This book had me grabbed from the beginning, and never let go. I don’t know if I have ever read an author that is quite this engaging. The way she puts words together is simply phenomenal. 

This story is set in 1811, in England. Napoleon is leading France, and the war is raging. Sebastian St. Cyr is a Viscount (I was actually surprised that he is not a bonafide detective), the son of an Earl. The story begins with a murder (no surprise there, right?), and by some odd circumstances, St. Cyr is implicated and becomes the prime suspect. Due to some other unfortunate circumstances, he becomes a fugitive from the law, and must work, while on the run, to solve the mystery of this murder.

While this is a mystery, there is most definitely nothing “cozy” about it. It is relatively descriptive in the gore category, and there are a few moments of “spice,” as well. It does get a little political, along the way, as treason and spies are also involved, as well as competition between Whigs and Tories. I need to do a little research on those topics, I think.

I found this book easy to read and to read fairly quickly. Again, I cannot overemphasize Ms. Harris’s ability to craft her story. I plan on checking out the second book tonight (I’ve already looked . . . we have it). 

Recommended for fans of mystery and history.

TTFN, y’all!

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